URLSwirl - On-Site Advertising

You can advertise your banner or featured text ad by purchasing on of the following paid advertising packages...

Make sure to follow through your payment processor back here to submit your ad information.

Featured Text Ad:
With this package, your text ad will show in rotation on the left of every page of the website. Your ad will rotate for the amount of time you choose below...

Length Of Time Price Paypal
1 Month Rotation $5.95
3 Months Rotation $12.95
6 Months Rotation $24.95

Banner Ad:
With this package, your Banner ad will show in rotation on the top of every page of the website AS WELL AS on the top of every free members rotator page. Your ad will rotate for the amount of time you choose below...

Length Of Time Price Paypal
1 Month Rotation $9.95
3 Months Rotation $24.95
6 Months Rotation $49.95